Understanding Jakarta EE 9


Java Enterprise Edition, or Java EE, is a set of standards defined to be used in an enterprise environment, implemented by a set of Java EE compatible application servers. Java Enterprise Edition or JEE (formerly Java 2 Enterprise Edition, or J2EE) is being developed for more than a decade, starting with the first J2EE 1.2 release in 1999.… Read more

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What is new in Jersey 2.32

Recently, Jersey 2.32 has been released. Jersey 2.x is a continuous evolution of Jersey implementing JAX-RS 2.1 Specification. While the successor Jakarta Restful Web Services 3.0 Specification, which is part of the Jakarta EE 9 initiative, will bring a lot of new features that will be implemented in Jersey 3.xRead more

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Jersey 2.30.1 has been released

It has been a while since we have released Jersey 2.30. On the client-side, we introduced new PreInvocationInterceptorPostInvocationInterceptor, and InvocationBuilderListener interfaces. We made the default Rx client using the AsyncInvoker (unlike the RxInvokerProvider). We worked hard to make the Apache HttpClient Connector working with the new Apache Http Client as fine as the old days.… Read more

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New Features in Jersey Client

Jersey 2.30 comes with multiple new features, and this post describes three new interfaces on the client. They are PreInvocationInterceptor, PostInvocationInterceptor, and InvocationBuilderListener.

Suppose a case that the start of the request is to be logged and even measured.… Read more

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Jersey Apache Connector Hangs …?

Jersey comes with various connectors to third-party HTTP clients. The way the connector is used is simple, put the connector and the third-party client to the classpath, and tell the client to use it. For Apache Connector, use:

ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
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Configuring Jersey Application

It is a common issue, I am asked about every now and then, how to pass the user data to a user application? The user needs to change the code behavior depending on the configuration data. This is where the @Context Configuration comes in handy.… Read more

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Jersey 2.29.1 has been released!

What a busy summer! Jersey 2.29 has been released in June and Jakarta EE 8 release was the next goal to be achieved before Oracle Code One.

It has been a lot of work. Jakarta EE 8 contains almost 30 different APIs, one-third of which Jersey depends on.… Read more

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Jersey 2.29 has been released!

It is a pleasure to announce that Jersey 2.29 has been released. It is rather a large release. While Jersey 2.27 was the last non-Jakarta EE release and Jersey 2.28 was the first release of Jersey under a Jakarta EE umbrella, and both of them stayed compatible with Jersey 2.26 as much as possible (binary compatibility, no new API, only updated dependencies and fixes that did not change the Jersey API or behavior), Jersey 2.29 brings many fixes that stacked up since 2.26 and lot of new features, most notably:

  • JDK 11 support
  • Possibility to pass configuration properties through the environment variables
  • Possibility to pass configuration properties using a Microprofile Config implementation
  • Implementation of Microprofile REST Client specification
  • Extension module for Spring 5
  • Possibility to use HK2 Abstract Binder removed in 2.26 again for backward compatibility
  • Enhanced Jetty connector configuration possibilities

Please let us know how you like it!… Read more

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Jersey 2.28 has been released

Jersey 2.28 has been released and is available in maven central! Jersey 2.28, the first Jakarta EE implementation of JAX-RS 2.1 has finally been released. Please let us know how you like it!

After whole Java EE has been contributed to the Eclipse Foundation, every project mainly focused on introducing the project and on bringing it closer to the community.… Read more

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Eclipse Glassfish 5.1.0.RC2 has been released!

That’s right, Eclipse Glassfish 5.1.0.RC2, the Jakarta EE implementation, has been published in maven central. Eclipse Glassfish 5.1.0 release is terribly close.

Latest Glassfish in maven central, Eclipse Glassfish 5.1.0.RC1, publicly available couple of months, is mostly identical to Oracle Glassfish 5.0.1, the latest Java EE reference implementation.… Read more

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