What a busy summer! Jersey 2.29 has been released in June and Jakarta EE 8 release was the next goal to be achieved before Oracle Code One.
It has been a lot of work. Jakarta EE 8 contains almost 30 different APIs, one-third of which Jersey depends on. Fujitsu, IBM, Oracle, Payara, RedHat, Tomitribe, Eclipse Foundation, the individual contributors, everyone worked hard to follow the new certification process to get the Certification of Compatibility of the new APIs released as part of Jakarta EE together with the respective implementations.
As of today, three application servers were announced to be certified Jakarta EE 8 Application Servers, Eclipse Glassfish 5.1, IBM OpenLiberty and RedHat WildFly announced they are fully certified as a compatible implementation of the Jakarta EE 8 profiles.
Jersey team provided a great deal of help with the certification, building some of the APIs, creating the TCK jobs and run some of the TCKs, …, and yet the team was able to deliver a new version of Jersey!
Jersey 2.29.1 is mainly a maintenance release, with a couple of fixes, and three main new features. It depends on the new Jakarta EE 8 APIs (mainly JAX-RS 2.1.6), it provides ApacheHttpClientBuilderConfigurator to improve the ability to configure Apache Http Client, and it provides a Microprofile Rest Client 1.3.3 implementation. The full list of features is available here.
Please give it a try and let us know how you like it.