Jersey 2.30.1 has been released

It has been a while since we have released Jersey 2.30. On the client-side, we introduced new PreInvocationInterceptorPostInvocationInterceptor, and InvocationBuilderListener interfaces. We made the default Rx client using the AsyncInvoker (unlike the RxInvokerProvider). We worked hard to make the Apache HttpClient Connector working with the new Apache Http Client as fine as the old days. We allowed the MP REST Client to work with any Jersey connector.

On both the client and server-side, we allowed the HeaderDelegateProvider to work again. We improved the integration with CDI. We allow some of the default AWT and/or XML related providers to be disabled. The full change list can be observed here.

Mainly, we created a multi-release jar for our WADL doclet extension, which works with JDK 13. So Jersey 2.30 is the first release that is fully buildable and works on JDK 13. Hurray!

Unfortunately, we made the release with JDK 12, and the 2.30 multi-release core-common jar now contains byte code for JDK 8, and for JDK 12+.

Jersey 2.30.1 mainly fixes the bug for the core-common multi-release jar, which works with JDK11, again (the same as Jersey 2.29.1). Other fixes and improvements were put in. We improved the integration with the Netty client and server. We better handle multiple cookies with the same name. We made a step towards Jersey being used in Glassfish 6. And we successfully made it through the Release Review.

For the next release, we continue to be working on Jersey 2.x, and we started to work on Jersey 3.x. Jersey 2.x continues to be compatible with JAX-RS 2.1.6 API, and we plan to keep it working with JDK 8, JDK 11, JDK 12, JDK 13, and we also plan to support JDK 14 as soon as possible. Jersey 3.x will be compatible with Jakarta RESTful WebServices 3.x.y API, which no longer uses java package, but it moves to package, similarly to all Jakarta EE 9 projects. Jersey 3.0.0 still will work with JDK 8, but it is possible that Jakarta RESTful WebServices API 3.1.0 or later will require JDK 11 features, and at that point, the backward compatibility with JDK 8 can be abandoned by Jersey 3.x.

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