Jersey 2.27 Released

We have just released the 2.27 version of Jersey, the reference implementation of JAX-RS 2.1.

To download Jersey 2.27, please check out our download page.

You can also check out the refreshed Jersey 2.27 documentation:

Let us know how you like it!

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12 Responses to Jersey 2.27 Released

  1. Markus KARG says:

    Where can I find release notes?

  2. dave brosius says:

    try to upgrade from 2.25.1… curious about the state of jersey-guava.. Is this jar no longer used? i don’t see a 2.27 version of it.

    • Jan says:

      Jersey-guava was last released in 2.26-b03, it is no longer distributed separately. Some of the classes were repackaged to org.glassfish.jersey.internal.guava, and are part of jersey-common.

  3. Raúl says:

    While updating to Jersey 2.27 I’ve also decided updating from Java EE 7/CDI 1.x/Weld 2.x to Java EE 8/CDI 2.0/Weld 3.0, but I can’t figure out what are the dependencies I need to include in my project (Jersey documentation – – doesn’t seem to cover this case).

    Could you please provide any help / links / references?

    Thanks anyway, guys.

    • Jan says:

      Jersey dependencies should be the same for CDI1/Weld2 as for CDI2/Weld3. If you find a case where CDI stops working, feel free to let us know on Jersey issue tracker.

  4. AndyFan says:

    Hi I find a bug with jersey 2.27,
    When request content-type is multipart/form-data, And the string after the “boundary” with ‘/’, ‘:’, ‘”‘ will response code 400.
    However, there is no restriction on the string following the boundary in the http specification.
    Could you please provide any help?
    Thanks anyway, guys.

  5. Dex says:

    Can someone do a definitive guide for how to wean yourself off of using AbstractValueFactoryProvider and AbstractValueFactoryProvider use start using Jersey’s DI facilities directly? There is a dearth of material on how to make those changes, and people were encouraged to use those internal APIs for a long time.

  6. Josemar says:

    Good afternoon,

    Is there any estimated date to fix Jersey-CDI2/Weld 3/Hibernate Validator integration issues? I’ve tried to use this approach it doesn’t work.

    Thank you for the great job so far.

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