HTTP Patch with Jersey Client on JDK 16+

Jakarta REST provides a Client API, implemented by Jersey Client. The default implementation is based on the Java HttpUrlConnection. Unfortunately, the HttpUrlConnection supports only HTTP methods defined in the original HTTP/1.1 RFC 2616.

It will never support for instance HTTP Patch method.… Read more

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Choosing Connector in Jersey

Jersey is using JDK HttpUrlConnection for sending HTTP requests by default. However, there are cases where the default HttpUrlConnection cannot be used, or where using any other HTTP Client available suits the customer’s needs better.

For this, Jersey comes with a Connector.… Read more

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Jersey 3.1.1 released – focused on performance

Jersey 2.38 (Jakarta REST 2.1 compatible release) and Jersey 3.0.9 (Jakarta REST 3.0 compatible) have been released before Christmas. Jersey 3.1.1 is aligned with these releases.

Apart from minor features (JDK 20 support, less repetitive warnings) and fixes, the big improvement, contributed by our great community, is JUnit 5 test framework being the main test framework in Jersey.… Read more

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Jersey 3.1.0 is finally released

We were waiting so long! But it is here, Jakarta EE 10 is released, all the implementations Jersey depends on are final, and so Jersey 3.1.0, the final release compatible with Jakarta REST 3.1 is finally released!

There are a number of new features related to Jakarta REST 3.1, a few new specification-unrelated features, and some old functionality returned back.… Read more

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Jersey 2.37, 3.0.8, and 3.1.0-M8

Jersey project continues to develop three branches, Java EE / Jakarta EE 8 – Jersey 2.x, Jakarta EE 9 – 3.0.x, and the new Jakarta EE 10 – 3.1.x. Recently, Jersey 2.37, and 3.0.8 were released. Jersey 3.1.0-M8 is still a milestone release, although very close to the final.… Read more

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Jersey 3.1.0 – Incompatibilities and changes

This article discusses backward-incompatible changes in Jersey 3.1.0. While Jersey tries to minimize these incompatible changes, the changes are forced by the Platform Specification Project, API project, security reasons, or an unstoppable evolution.

Jersey 3.1.0 drops compatibility with JDK 8.… Read more

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Jersey 3.1.0-M3 has been released!

Jersey 3.1.0-M3 is Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1 compatible implementation. And we are happy to announce that it has been finally released to maven central.

Jakarta REST 3.1 Specification is a part of Jakarta EE 10, which will be released in June 2022.… Read more

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Jersey 2.35, and Jersey 3.0.3

Jersey 2.35 and corresponding Jersey 3.0.3 have been released recently. There is a number of new features.

We support JDK 17, JDK 16, JDK 15, JDK 14, JDK 13, JDK 12, JDK 11, and JDK 8. It means, Jersey is tested there, passes tests, and is perfectly functional.… Read more

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Very Merry Christmas with Jersey 2.33

Jersey 2.33 is out! As usually, right before Christmas we put together as many fixes and new features as possible to deliver new Jersey for you, the Jersey customers.

During the work on Jersey 2.33, we already delivered Jersey 3.0.0, which kept us busy, and there not as many changes as usual for a regular release.… Read more

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Happy Jakarta EE 9 with Jersey 3.0.0

Jakarta EE 9 and Jersey 3.0.0 are here. The transition to a new jakarta package based APIs took a great amount of work, from the whole Jakarta EE community. It started in the spring of the year 2020, and finally, Jakarta EE 9 is almost there!… Read more

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